
New research report: Speedy improves margins

Following completion of extensive investment program, leading courier in Bulgaria – Speedy, embarks on optimizing costs and new assets utilization. Initial efforts turn into better margins despite deceleration in top line growth, yet profitability to further improve on strengthened Romanian operations.

Roadshow: Bulgarian Capital Market Day in London on 18 May 2017

A special Bulgarian Capital Market Day for CEE-focused investors will take place at EBRD headquarters on 18 May 2017 presenting for one day an insight in CEE regional development and Bulgarian capital market in-depth.

A glimpse on audit impact on financial statements FY 2016

Audit ups Speedy’s (0SP BU) unconsolidated net income by 20% to BGN 7.7m, according to the Company’s audited unconsolidated FY2016 financial statements published at the end of March 2017. Audited net income stands at BGN 7.7m, up 20% vs. preliminary announced result of BGN 6.4m. The latter is due mostly on 24% lower depreciation expense… Read more


Speedy’s shareholders approve stock option plan through capital hike

Courier services provider Speedy’s shareholders approve employee stock options plan, according to the disclosed minutes from the shareholders’ meeting held on December 14th, 2016. Speedy will issue 42 900 new ordinary shares with a nominal and issue price of BGN 1 per share. The new shares are to be subscribed by key non-executive board members… Read more


Speedy posts 17% y/y rise of the top line 9M16

Leading Bulgarian courier Speedy delivers 17.2% y/y rise in the top line in 9M16 but the bottom line misses guidance. The company published its 9M16 consolidated financial results. Revenues reached BGN 104m or 17.2% y/y rise for the 9M16 with good performance both in Bulgaria and Romania. Domestic market growth stood at 13.5% y/y, above… Read more