2017 dividend season started

2017 dividend season started

2017 dividend season started

First dividend news came out with the publication of audited FY 2016 reports yesterday.

Regular dividend providers

REITs are investors’ favourites on dividends since by law they are obliged to distribute 90% of their profits as dividend.

Biggest land REIT in Bulgaria Advance Terrafund (6A6BU) provisions BGN 0.154 DPS, yielding 7.3% at current quotes, according to the Company’s audited FY2016 financial statements published yesterday. The provisioned dividend is in line with ELANA Trading analysts’ expectations but payout is slightly lower at 90% of audited profits.

History of Advance Terrafund REIT dividends

Bulgarian Real Estate Fund REIT (5BU BU) provisions BGN 0.074 DPS, yielding 3.3% at current quotes, according to the Company’s audited FY2016 financial statements published yesterday. The provisioned dividend is slightly below ELANA Trading analysts’ expectations.

Korado would give approx. 50% higher dividend based on historical profit

Steel radiator producer Korado (4KX BU) proposes BGN 0.26 DPS, yielding 4.2% at current market quotes, the Company’s management announced at a presentation before investors. The Company keeps the payout unchanged at 80% of the profit and proposes to distribute 50% higher DPS on best profit in history achieved in FY2016. The Company calls for an Annual General Meeting to approve the proposal on May 23rd, 2016.

Last year investors received BGN 0.18 DPS. Current dividend is double the one distributed 2 years ago – BGN 0.12 DPS.

KORADO Group consists nowadays of three production and three trade companies in Germany, Poland, Ukraine and Bulgaria. There is also a logistics centre in France.

Korado Bulgaria acquitted in 1998 98,2% share in the originally German-Bulgarian production plant in Strajica, Bulgaria. The company made a significant reconstruction and modernisation of this plant in order to meet the demanding European parameters for production and then started to produce steel panel radiators RADIK locally. Production is supplied to South-east Europe.

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