SOFIX delivers second best year in since 2007

Bulgarian Stock Exchange
SOFIX booked its second best annual performance in ten years after wrapping up 2016 with main index posting 27.24% y/y rise. SOFIX concluded 2016 at 586.24 points, up 82% from its lowest point in 2011 and 63.5% since 2008.
Doubled turnover in Q4
Average daily turnover doubles q/q and y/y in 4Q 2016, according to trading data by the Bulgarian Stock Exchange. Regulated average daily trading activity is up 2.5x q/q and 2.2x y/y to BGN 2.77m.
This is the best market performance in three years as positive market sentiment hit the market in 3Q and 4Q 2016.
SOFIX crossing 600p.-threshold
Positive sentiment and new investment has also led to the main index SOFIX inching up to its 2.5 year high of 625 points.
On Jan 10th, 2017 SOFIX crossed the 600 points threshold for the first time since April 2014.
Tatyana Puncheva-Vasileva, Head of Research of ELANA Trading, commented before the local financial media that SOFIX will continue on the upside and she would not be surprised to see the last high of 2014 overcome by crossing 625 points.
SOFIX – third by 2016 performance among European indices
With approx. 28% up for 2016, local blue-chip index SOFIX ranked third by performance among European indices following Russian MICEX and Belgian BUX (source: tradingeconomics and
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