Sirma Group IPO starts 16 September: Shares subscription till 15th October

Сирма Груп Холдинг

Сирма Груп Холдинг

The largest Bulgarian IPO since 2007 – the one of Sirma Group Holding started on 16th September 2015. Shares are offered at price range of BGN 1.20 – BGN 1.65. Orders to subscribe shares can be accepted by all licensed Bulgarian brokerages.

The orders will be collected by the IPO manager ELANA Trading in the end of 15 October to make the proportional allocation and announce the IPO price on 16th October. All investors will have equal treatment in the process of allocation.

If subscription orders exceed the number of new shared offered (16 mln.), then from 16th October up to 2,491,858 existing shares of the owners will be offered and the final allocation will be ready on 27th October 2015.

Investors can submit two types of orders: a/ market orders when only an investment sum is specified without pointing out a price; b/ limit orders when a price per share is specified.

If the maximum number of shares gets subscribed at a maximum price, then the capital raised of BGN 26.4 mln. will make Sirma Group Holding IPO the biggest on the Bulgarian Stock Exchange since end of 2007 when the financial crisis began. The company will start trading shares on the Bulgarian Stock Exchange in December 2015, according to the IPO schedule.

To subscribe shares in Sirma Group IPO:

Call/write ELANA Trading brokers at +359 2 81 000 25/26,

Read the research report prepared by ELANA Trading analysts

Find out why to invest in Sirma Group Holding

All IPO documents

Sirma Group Holding website